Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 25: Chain mine in the middle

Observation: Bikes chained to the pedestrian crossing railing in Notting Hill in the middle of the road.

Individuals have taken matters into their own hands to ensure that their bikes can be locked securely and are under constant surveillance by passing traffic.

- The local council clearly needs to put in new bike stands! Local council staff before removing the bikes forcibly could leave a note on the bikes asking people to submit feedback and ideas on how and where the bike stands should be laid.
- A local cafe with some unused space and a local bike enthusiasts could start a cafe with bike concierge service!
- A local bike share group could be started, with people all agreeing to keep an eye out for each others' bikes stored in a single location and with a bike-share scheme to enable people to share the use of a bike if they have very different schedules, kind of like zip-car.
- Nearby car parks could offer bike storage in unused spaces in the angles of car parks, a great community service or at a small charge of 50p a day.

Photo credit: The Hungry Cyclist

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