With all the focus on ROS, ROE, ROI....are we looking at things in reverse?
Sure, we need to find money to support change initiatives and do so sustainably. But who has REALLY ever changed behaviour because of their head, logic and the company's money. I think we are looking the wrong way....with all the focus on return.... we are missing the point.
It is good. It feels good. It helps. It makes others feel good.
And that feeling is what really drives sustained engagement and change.
Money shmoney. If people (who make up companies) believe and it is their hearts that are engaged, they will find a way to make it sustainable financially.
What do you think? Are these glasses too rosy?
photo credit, the very cute Derek (lilbuttz)
Glad your glasses are rosy. You pose questions that are not just for corporates, but for everyone. It is great to think about it, start talking about it, but for change to happen people have to make it, not just think it, otherwise it is just wishing.
ReplyDeleteKeep this debate going, keep pushing, and keep sharing your thoughts.
Hi Alison, good point!! This is just the first step in change, the 'how' of convincing others to change with you. You are right...a whole lot of talking without action is nothing but a bag of air.