Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturated? Try a sweet tip from the Italians.

Ice cream. You would think that a product whose consumption is weather, leisure and time of day dependent would have a finite saturation point.
Not in Italy!
I was reminded of one of marketing's fundamental principles - to increase total consumption = amount consumed per occasion x no. of occasions.

How do they do it? Well, I saw glamorous fashion girls eating ice cream at work, people strolling at midnight munching, people by themselves, people with their families, people eating ice cream at 10 in the morning. In Italy, ice cream is an any-time snack! The no. of consumption occasions is unlimited.

How do they do it?

  • Opening hours are longer for ice cream locations (except supermarkets!!) and it is in many different types of stores.
  • Consumption is embedded in everyday behaviours - as kids they learn ice cream time is any time!
  • There is a broad appeal - even svelte shop girls can be seen eating it
  • They create a fabulous product...mmmm gelato!
  • Each of the gelato stores does things with a unique twist, be it saucer-shaped scoops, funky packaging or generous mountains of gelato on display.
Have you thought about the basics for your brand recently? How can you increase the times that people can enjoy your product? A couple of great ways to stimulate our ideas on this can be (solo or brainstorming):
  • Map the phases of the day - i.e. early morning, late morning, lunch etc and map out activities, emotions and social activities that occur - how could your product (or a new version of your product) sweeten that moment?
  • Set yourself a challenge - each person need to come up with 5 new times/ways that people could benefit from your product in new occasions and why. Give yourself 10 minutes to do and then discuss.
  • Drill down into the 1) emotional and 2) rational benefits of your brand - where else could you apply these benefits to your customers?
Have you seen any great examples of brands extending their occasions? Do you have a curly product that you are struggling to do this with? Tell us about it!
flickr photo credit: vicbrasil

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