Wednesday, July 15, 2009

noise and common sense

It feels like there is a hyerbabble of noise around marketing and social much so that I wonder how much is noise and how much is actually just common sense?

Why are people scurrying to have a presence in the latest social medium, forums and events? Is it to have a voice, to enable customers to talk to you, to be cool?
Is this about being cool, or just common sense that you need to enable customers to speak with you and tell you what they want?

And all this talk of authenticity, firms trying to act with and create that sense of authenticity, trying to make sure each and every touch point is authentic. Perhaps if they just focused on what they wanted and needed to do, and focused on doing it well...I guess that would be pretty authentic!

Authenticity is about doing what you say you will, being what you say you are, and interacting in an honest way with people. It really should be pretty straight forward. Although it may not always be that easy when enmeshed in a history of organisational systems, products, processes and politics.

Common sense doesn't have to just mean using logical (and proven) tactics and offerings in the market, it can be just as sensible to offer something extraordinarily different in the market. This means that you have less direct competition, more efficient marketing spend and increased opportunities for sustained brand differentiation and growth. It is also common sense to understand where you customers are going, understanding their evolving needs, particularly in a culture-shifting moment such as the current GFC, as highlighted by

To me, it is common sense that when you deliver what people want, with honest conversation about what they want, customers will be happy, and your business will grow. And if you find new tools to do that better, be it social media or not, it is common sense to use them too.

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